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Institutional Collections()
Institutional Collections (Specimen)
Academy of Natural Sciences Entomology Collection
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Academy of Natural Sciences Entomology Collection – ParasiteTracker
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Arizona Department of Agriculture Entomology Collection
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Arizona State University Arthropod Collection
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Arizona State University Charles W. O'Brien Collection
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Arizona State University Hasbrouck Insect Collection
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Arizona State University Lois B. O'Brien Collection
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Auburn University Native Bee Lab
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Brigham Young University Arthropod Museum
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Broward College Insect Collection
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Butterfly Pavilion's Colorado Invertebrate Surveys
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C.P. Gillette Museum of Arthropod Diversity
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California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo Plant Sciences Entomology Collection
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California State University East Bay Insect Collection
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Carnegie Museum Invertebrate Zoology Collection
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Clemson University Arthropod Collection
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Colección de Abejas del Centro de Investigación en Apicultura Tropical (UNA)
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Colección de Artrópodos de la Universidad de Tierra del Fuego
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Colección Entomológica de la Carrera de Agronomía de la UCR Sede Guanacaste
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Colección Entomológica de la Universidad de Colima
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Colección Entomológica de la Universidad del Magdalena
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Colección Entomológica del Instituto de Investigaciones Botánicas y Zoológicas/ Insect Collection IIBZ
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Colección Entomológica del Museo de Peces de Agua Dulce e Invertebrados de la Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí
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Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station Arthropod Collection
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Denver Botanic Gardens Collection of Arthropods
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Denver Museum of Nature & Science - Arachnology
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Denver Museum of Nature & Science - Entomology
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Dugway Proving Ground Natural History Collection
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Entomology Collection at the Natural History Museum of Utah
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Escuela Politécnica Nacional, Quito, Ecuador
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Florida State Collection of Arthropods
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Forest Entomology Collection - Northern Arizona University
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Frost Entomological Museum
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Hannam University Systematic Entomology Laboratory
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Insect Diversity and Diagnostics
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J. B. Wallis / R. E. Roughley Museum of Entomology
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Kenneth S. Norris Center for Natural History, University of California Santa Cruz, Insect Collection
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Luther Entomological Research Collection
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Michigan Technological University Insect Collection
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Mississippi Entomological Museum
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Museo de Historia Natural Unillanos-Entomology
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Museo de Insectos, Centro de Investigaciones en Protección de Cultivos (CIPROC), Escuela de Agronomía, Universidad de Costa Rica.
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Museo del Fin del Mundo - Colección Entomológica
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Museo Nacional de Historia Natural “Prof. Eugenio de Jesús Marcano” - Colección de Arácnidos
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Museo Nacional de Historia Natural “Prof. Eugenio de Jesús Marcano” - Colección de Ortópteros
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Museum of Texas Tech University Invertebrate Zoology Collection
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Natural History Institute Insect Collection
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New Mexico State Collection of Arthropods
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New Zealand Arthropod Collection - Symbiota
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Northern Arizona University - Agua Fria National Monument Collection
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Northern Arizona University - Arthropod Collection
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Northern Arizona University - Walnut Canyon National Monument Collection
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Ohio State University Spider Collection
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Price Institute of Parasite Research, School of Biological Sciences, University of Utah
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R. M. Bohart Museum of Entomology
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Richard B. Dominick Moth and Butterfly Collection
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Rutgers University Entomological Museum
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Sagehen Creek Field Station (UC-Berkeley) – Insects
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San Diego Natural History Museum Entomology Department
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San Diego State University - Terrestrial Arthropods Collection
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Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History Entomology Collection
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Southeast Missouri State University Invertebrate Museum
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Southern Utah University Insect Collection
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Spider Parasite Digital Research Collection
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State of Vermont Forest Biology Lab
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The Albert J. Cook Arthropod Research Collection
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The Davidson College Entomology Collection
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The Purdue Entomological Research Collection
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UConn Biodiversity Research Collection
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Uganda National Insect Collection
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United States National Museum, Entomology Collections
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Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro Entomology Collection
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Universidad Nacional Agraria, Museo de Entomología
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University of Arizona Insect Collection
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University of Arizona Insect Collection ASDM Bee Collection
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University of Arizona Insect Collection RL Minckley Insect Collection
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University of California Santa Barbara Invertebrate Zoology Collection
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University of Central Oklahoma Invertebrate Collection
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University of Georgia Collection of Arthropods
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University of Hawaii Insect Museum
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University of Kentucky Insect Collection
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University of Montreal Ouellet-Robert Entomological Collection
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University of Nebraska State Museum
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University of North Texas Elm Fork Insect Collection
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University of Saskatchewan - Ducks Unlimited Canada Pitfall Trap Collection
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University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Insect Collection
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University of Vermont Zadock Thompson Zoological Collection-Invertebrates
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University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
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Utah Tech University Natural Science Museum’s Insect Collection
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Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Insect Collection
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Washington State University Collection
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Western Washington University Insect Collection
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Wilkes University Entomological Collection
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William F. Barr Entomological Museum
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Project-based and Individual Research Collections()
Project-based and Individual Research Collections (Specimen)
Academy of Natural Sciences Entomology Collection – OrthopNet
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Actual specimens of adult Odonata from the IIBZ Entomology Collection
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Adam Haberski Research Collection
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Arizona State University - Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument Collection
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Buprestidae Specimen Database (BupBase)
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California Channel Islands Beetles
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Canadian Museum of Nature - Weevils
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Carolina Thomson MDE Scholarship and Research Collection
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Chrysomelidae from the entomological collection of the IIBZ
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Collection of Externally Processed Specimens (Arthropod Systematics Research)
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Davide Dal Pos Research Collection
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Diversidad de hormigas (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) en dos parques urbanos de la República Dominicana
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Eric G Chapman Coleoptera Research Collection
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Ethan Richard Wright Collection
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Evan Waite Invertebrate Collection
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Guy Hanley Insect Research Collection
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Ian Watkinson Lepidoptera Collection
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Ilgoo Kang Braconid Collection
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Insect Color Specimen Database
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Insectos asociados a las sabanas de montañas altas de República Dominicana
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Jason L. Williams Arthropod Collection
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Jim Beley Entomology Collection
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Judy Rincón Research Collection
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Louis F. Nastasi Insect Collection
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M. Andrew Johnston Research Collection
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Maeve Botham Research Collection
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Maine State Museum - Brianne Du Clos
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Manuel D. Barria Personal Collection
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N.A. Fensler Carabidae Collection
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Nathaniel Green Research Collection
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Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County - Entomology Channel Islands Beetles
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Northern Plains Research Collection
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Oliver Keller Research Collection
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Patrick S. Gorring Collection
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Salvatore S. Anzaldo Collection
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Samanta Orellana Research Collection
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Sangmi Lee Research Collection
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Tyler J. Hedlund Collection
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University of Indianapolis Spider Collection
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Valentina Díaz Grisales Research Collection
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William Murphy Insect Collection
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Teaching and Outreach Collections()
Teaching and Outreach Collections (Specimen)
The Diptera Course Checklist
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RL Minckley Plant Collection
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Institutional Collections()
Institutional Collections (Specimen)
Observations associated with the UCSB Invertebrate Zoology Collection
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Project-based and Individual Research Collections()
Project-based and Individual Research Collections (Specimen)
Park Pollinators Project - Observations
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Rick Overson and Laura Steger Invertebrate Observations
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