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A portal for live-data arthropod collections

Guy Hanley Insect Research Collection (GHIRC-GHIRC)

Approximately 20,000 coleopteran specimens in many families, a large portion from the Northern Great Plains of North America, and several focused areas research areas such as North American aphodiine scarabs, North Dakota water beetles, the scarab genus Serica and Coenonycha, and the weevil genus Listronotus.

Contacts: Guy Hanley,
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal
Global Unique Identifier: cf11b630-dbf1-4ef3-b7bd-67e11c14f60d
Digital Metadata: EML File
Cite this collection:
Guy Hanley Insect Research Collection. Occurrence dataset (ID: cf11b630-dbf1-4ef3-b7bd-67e11c14f60d) accessed via the Ecdysis Portal,, 2024-10-12).
Collection Statistics
  • 3,254 specimen records
  • 1,685 (52%) georeferenced
  • 2,703 (83%) identified to species
  • 2 families
  • 64 genera
  • 294 species
  • 296 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)
Extra Statistics
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Taxon Distribution
Taxon Distribution