Key to the Females: "Margin of the movable finger with fine serrations ahead of the front tooth" (Roewer, 1934, p. 572). "Immovable finger with 3 medial cheek-teeth, its first front tooth clearly larger than the second front tooth; Dentition as in fig. 327, e); pedipalp unarmed, its metatarsus with ventral cylinder-bristles and with a scopula of soft, bushy papillae; tibia of legs II and III each with 3 dorsal-apical spines; metarsi of legs II and II dorsally with 5 spines in the main row and 5 spines in the additional-row; opercula of the genital segment as in fig. 324, w; coloration rust-yellow, opisthosomal tergites browned; malleoli white; length 15 mm; Arizona" (Roewer, 1934, p. 572).
Taxonomy: .
Type Locality:: "nur male- Arizona - (vidi 2 females,Typus)" (Roewer, 1934, p. 574)