Holotype: “Male holotype and female allotype from 10 mi. NW of La Paz, Baja California, Mexico on October 6, 1941 by Rose and Bohart, deposited in the collection of the California Academy of Science, San Francisco, California” (Muma, 1987, p. 9).
Measurements: Male holotype: Type length, 34.0 mm. Chelicerae, 8.8 mm length; 4.5 mm width. Propeltidium, 4.7 mm length; 6.5 mm width. Palpus, 28.0 mm length; CL/CW=1.96 width. Leg 1, 24.0 mm length; PW/PL=1.38 width. Leg 4, 38.0 mm; A/CP=6.66 mm width.
Female allotype: Total length, 37.0 mm. Chelicerae, 7.8 mm length; 4.7 mm width. Propeltidium, 4.4 mm length; 9.9 mm width. Palpi, 23.0 mm length; CL/CW=1.66 width. Leg 1, 21.0 mm length; PW/PL=2.25 width. Leg 4, 32.0 mm length; A/CP=6.22 width.
Palpal Description: “Palpal scopula composed of about 200 small papillae, 10 on tarsus, and 190 on most of metatarsus” (Muma, 1987, p. 9).
Ctenidia Description: “Ctenidia on first post-stigmatic abdominal sternite as shown in figure 19” (Muma, 1987, p. 9).
Female allotype: “there are no ctenidia on the first post-stigmatic abdominal sternite” (Muma, 1987, p. 9).
Operculum Description: “Genital opercula as shown in figure 22” (Muma, 1987, p. 9).
Chelicerae Description: “Dentition as shown in figures 17 and 18. Anterior tooth apparently reduced to a low ridge; fondal notch sub-triangular in form, 1.6 times the basal width of the fixed finger, and with 2 to 4 minute denticules; mesal tooth distinct. Mesal groove of fixed finger typical of genus, narrow distally and dilated basally. Flagellum complex typical of genus. Mesal setae of movable finger plumose dorsally but simple ventrally” (Muma, 1987, p. 9).
Diagnosis: “Males of this group have a constriction but no distinct notch or ectodorsal tooth-like process at the base of the fixed cheliceral finger when viewed from above. Mesoventral groove of fixed finger dilated basally. The only known male has 3 apparently normal sword-like ctenidia on the first post-spiracular abdominal sternite. Females have roughly triangular genital opercula that are adjacent and essentially parallel along most of their mesal margins, undulate along their posterior margins, and provided with a narrow slot-like posteriomesal notch” (Muma, 1987, p. 8).
“The group characteristics cited above will serve to distinguish this species until other members of the group are described” (Muma, 1987, p. 9).
Other Information: “This species is placed in a new species-group of the genus because of its large size, the absence or reduction of the anterior tooth on the male movable cheliceral finger and the distinctive female genital opercula” (Muma, 1987, p. 10).
Taxonomy: .
Type Locality: “Male holotype and female allotype from 10 mi. NW of La Paz, Baja California, Mexico on October 6, 1941 by Rose and Bohart, deposited in the collection of the California Academy of Science, San Francisco, California” (Muma, 1987, p. 9).