Holotype: “Female type, No. 9137, from "Washington Territory" in the collection of E. Simon in Paris, France” (Muma, 1951, p. 54).
Measurements: Males: Total length, 14.0 to 22.0 mm. Chelicerae, 4.0-6.4 mm length; 1.9-3.0 mm width. Propeltidium, 2.0-3.1 mm length; 2.8-4.3 mm width. Palpi, 13.0-19.0 mm. 1st legs, 11.0-16.0 mm. 4th legs, 18.0-25.0 mm.
Females: Total length, 19.0 to 24.0 mm. Chelicerae, 4.4-6.4 mm length; 1.9-3.0 mm width. Propeltidium, 1.7 -2.3 mm length; 3.3-4.9 mm width. Palpi, 12.0-12.0 mm. 1st legs, 11.0-13.0 mm. 4th legs, 17.0-20.0 mm.
Palpal Description: “there is a scopula of 40 to 160 rounded papillae on the mesoventral surface of the distal three-fourths of the metatarsus as shown in figure 48. Metatarsus of palpus about three times as long as tarsus” (Muma, 1951, p.54).
Ctenidia Description: “First post-spiracular abdominal sternite provided with two straight, flattened, abruptly pointed, widely spaced ctenidia (fig. 49)” (Muma, 1951, p. 54).
Operculum Description: “Opercula of genital segment as shown in figure 53. Specimens captured in copula have opercula more widely separated. Gravid females also have the opercula somewhat separated” (Muma, 1951, p. 54).
Chelicerae Description: “Dentition of chelicerae variable but following the general pattern shown in figures 44, 45, and 47. Movable finger with a large principal tooth, a low flattened anterior tooth, two intermediate teeth of which the proximal is larger, and a small indistinct mesal tooth. On some specimens there is a low rounded process distad of the anterior tooth, and the distal intermediate tooth is minute or missing. Fixed finger typical of group; basal notch in dorsal view occupying from one-third to one-half of length of finger, in lateral view finger is lightly bent upward at the distal edge of the notch. Fondal teeth occurring in two rows of four each that are graded in size I, III, II, IV. Fourth fondal teeth scarcely distinguishable from dentate socket margin of movable finger. Fondal notch U-shaped but sharply flattened on its dorsal margin, somewhat wider than the base of the fixed finger, about as wide as deep and usually bearing two or three minute denticules on its ventral margin. Mesal groove of fixed finger a deep, parallel-sided slot that widens abruptly on the basal quarter of the finger into an oval concavity that extends posteriorly beyond the base of the finger. Flagellum complex typical of genus, with the apical plumose bristle shown in figure 46 not covering the distal third of the mesoventral groove. Mesal setae of movable finger plumose on the proximal half of the finger near the dorsal margin and simple distally” (Muma, 1951, p. 52-54).
Other Information: “This species is highly variable in size of males and to some extent in the opercula of the genital segment of the females. Although no tenable characters have been found for separation, it is quite possible that two or more species are still grouped here” (Muma, 1951, p. 55).
Taxonomy: .
Type Locality: “Female type, No. 9137, from "Washington Territory" in the collection of E. Simon in Paris, France” (Muma, 1951, p. 54).