"Diagnosis: This species is readily dintinguished from other species of the arcus group by the presence of a scopula of fine papillae on the tibia as well as the metatarsus. Other diagnos tic characters include the slender, tubular, S-shaped fixed finger of the chelicerae, the narrow slot-like mesoventral groove of the fixed finger and the single pair of linear abdominal ctenidia.
Males: Total length 20.0 to 21.0 mm.
Chelicerae 4.8-4.8 mm 2.0-2.0 mm.
Propeltidium 2.4-2.4 3.4-3.4
Palpi 18.0-18.0
First legs 14.0-15.0
Fourth legs 25.0-25.0" (Muma 1963, p. 3)
Taxonomy: .
Type Locality: "Male holotype from 10 miles N of Mereurw Nevada, 1 mile E of Mercury Highway on ' March 2, 1961 (5EL4C). Male paratvpe from Cane Springs 12 miles NNW of Mercury, Nevada on February 26, 1962 (CBA8C). Both types are in the American Museum of Natural History, New York, New York." (Muma 1963, p. 4)