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Western Washington University Insect Collection (WWU-WWUC)

Bionomia dataset badge

The Western Washington University Insect Collection houses approximately 75,000 insect specimens. Our geographic area of focus is the northwestern portion of the contiguous United States. Most of our specimens are from the northwestern portion of Washington State, an area that is poorly represented in other collections in the region. The collection is the largest publicly-held insect collection in populous western Washington. 

Contacts: Merrill Peterson,
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal
Global Unique Identifier: ac0104db-a981-4af8-95f4-9e6500a5847b
Digital Metadata: EML File
Rights Holder: Western Washington University
Access Rights: not-for-profit use only
GBIF Dataset page:
Cite this collection:
Western Washington University Insect Collection. Occurrence dataset (ID: ac0104db-a981-4af8-95f4-9e6500a5847b) accessed via the Ecdysis Portal,, 2024-11-06).
Western Washington University Insect Collection Entomology
Biology Department, Western Washington University, 516 High St.
Bellingham, WA   
Collection Statistics
  • 4,039 specimen records
  • 3,333 (83%) georeferenced
  • 2,173 (54%) with images (4,411 total images)
  • 3,623 (90%) identified to species
  • 16 families
  • 259 genera
  • 622 species
  • 624 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)
Extra Statistics
Show Geographic Distribution
Show Family Distribution